John Zamick, microgrids expert

John Zamick

Fouder & CEO
Distributed Generation Ltd.

John spent most of his professional career in business development in both the computer industry and latterly in renewable energy . His mission is to make a positive difference in the world by practical actions to democratise access to energy. Apart from 10 years working for major US computer corporations, most of John's 35+ year career has been involved with 15 start ups in computing and renewable energy.

In 2008 John founded Distributed Generation Ltd which developed, installed and continues to operate six 500 kW wind turbines installed on sites spread across the UK. In 2014 DistGen set out to design a Smart Microgrid Controller (SMC) which would be a fundamental constituent in any distributed electricity network; enabling smart monitoring and control of renewable resources. The company's SMC prototype is installed in one of DistGen's wind site; dynamically managing various generators and consumers. John's hopes for the immediate future are to find and deploy the company's SMC system into as many projects as it can in order to maximise the technology's impact.