Nano-Grid: In Between Solar Home Systems and Mini-Grids with the Advantages of Both

The Solergie nano-grid is a model in between a solar home system and a mini-grid and has the advantages of both. A maximum of eight customers are connected to one central solar system from 320Wp to 1,5kWp. Together they buy the system and become the owners. The payment is based on their consumption and is done by mobile money in a pay-as-you-go service. The more a customer pays, the more he can consume and the bigger his share of the system when it is paid off. The 220V system is modular and can grow together with the energy demand by adding solar panels, batteries and upgrading the invertor. It makes it possible for productive use of energy next to small (lamps and phone charging) and bigger (airco, flat screens) private use. The nano-grid has a lower cost - due to less cabling - and less preparation time than his bigger mini-grid brother.


Bert Bernolet, Microgrid expert
Bert Bernolet
Solergie    View LinkedIN page