Beyond Billing: Leveraging Digital Grid Management Solutions to Run Profitable Micro & Mini-Grids

Smart metering and grid management software are highly impactful tools that offer benefits across every department within a minigrid utility's operations. Minigrid utilities can use digital grid management technology to quickly respond effectively to grid events, conduct system planning and maintenance, and monitor trends in consumption. Using smart meter data to calculate loss analytics, system reliability and uptime metrics, and site/transformer load curves, allows for informed decision making and visibility into progress on core objectives. Join SparkMeter in this discussion that highlights how smart metering technology can help ensure business viability and support streamlined operations.


Morayo Osiyemi, microgrids expert
Morayo Osiyemi
Director, Utility Business Development

Morayo has over 20 years experience delivering technology solutions across diverse industries and sectors. Morayo has spent the last ten years working on transformative technology projects for utilities across Africa. In her current role as the Director of Utilities Business Development for SparkMeter, she is responsible for bringing SparkMeter's affordable and effective digitalisation solutions and services to utilities across Africa and Asia Pacific regions. Morayo has her sights on transforming utilities with digitalisation, making them more viable and effectively delivering safe and affordable electricity.