Jeffrey Price, microgrids expert

Jeffrey P. Price

OnGrid Options, LLC

Jeffrey P. Price founded OnGrid Options, LLC to bring Secure Power Enclaves projects to market. He developed the patent-pending technology for Secure Power Enclaves that can provide resilient electric service to critical infrastructure. Jeff is an expert on electric power markets and technologies. His work for over four decades has focused on those markets and technologies as well as resource choices for the electric power sector, both in the United States and internationally. Much of this work has been on microgrid and secure power enclave development, the design of retail electric markets and business models for those markets, and the integration of distributed energy resources. Jeff previously was Cofounder and Managing Partner of Bluewave Resources, LLC, a management and economic consulting firm focused on the electric power sector.

Jeff has advised a wide range of clients on strategic, policy, economic and financial issues. Clients have included technology and project developers, utilities, large energy users, equipment and resource suppliers, federal and state government agencies, associations, multi-company initiatives, and multilateral organizations such as the International Energy Agency and World Bank.

Prior to founding Bluewave Resources in 2001, Jeff was Cofounder and President of the Resource Dynamics Corporation (RDC). RDC is for 21 years a consulting firm that advised governments, the electric power industry and related organizations on strategic planning for power generation, environmental and end-use technologies, resource economics, risk management, and energy market analysis. A specific focus of this work was distributed generation and combined heat and power. Jeffrey also guided RDC subsidiaries and joint ventures. He served as President of Competitive Electric Strategies, Inc., which implemented energy risk management systems for power companies and was on the board of Energy Buyers Network, LLC, which provided energy management services to large businesses. He also served as a Director of EFS Financial Services, Inc., which leased equipment to large industrial energy users.

Earlier, as Project Manager at ICF Incorporated, his work focused on the behavior of energy resource markets and on new power generation and environmental technologies. Previously, at Mathematica, Inc., he conducted projects on cogeneration, energy efficiency and state and regional energy planning. Mr. Price holds a master of business administration from the University of Michigan and a bachelor's degree in Engineering Physics from the University of Toledo. He has authored numerous published reports and articles.