Fostering R&D in Appliances and Business Models for Micro-Grids/Mini-Grids

According to the World Bank (2019), appliance efficiency could turbocharge the mini-grid sector by dramatically reducing developers' costs, whilst boosting consumption and incomes through productive uses. Furthermore, energy-efficient productive use appliances and machinery such as mills, water pumps, milling machines and ice making machines, help to build demand for mini-grids in remote areas.

Supported by UK aid and the IKEA Foundation, the Efficiency for Access Research and Development Fund is helping to foster research and development in this area by supporting organisations that are testing new business models for mini-grids and micro-grids and the creation of compatible appliances.

This session will provide an overview of the Research and Development Fund's portfolio companies that focus on mini-grids/micro-grids and highlight exciting innovations that are helping enhance the livelihoods of mini-grid customers.

Key Takeaways:
  • Overview of the Efficiency for Access Research and Development Fund including objectives and portfolio
  • Research and development trends for appliances in micro-grids
  • Case studies on three organisations that are testing innovative appliance-based solutions to support the mini-grid/micro-grid business model
  • Future directions for research and development in appliances for mini-grids/micro-grids

Chris Beland, microgrid expert
Chris Beland
Senior Project Manager - Research and Development
Energy Saving Trust

Chris Beland is a Senior Project Manager at Energy Saving Trust with over seven years' experience in renewable energy and climate change. Chris is responsible for the management of the Efficiency for Access Research and Development Fund, which is now supporting 37 R&D projects that aim to accelerate innovation in off- and weak grid appliance technologies.